Tips for Upgrading Your Wardrobe on a Budget
Do you love adding new clothes to your closet but worry that you’ll go over your monthly budget? We understand your dilemma!
We’ve come up with some hacks to upgrade your wardrobe while staying on budget. Whether you want the latest trends or just need to replace your old style, our vast selection of clothes at trendy online boutiques is your go-to option!
Shopping on a Budget
Shopping is always fun and exciting! Everyone loves to add new things to their closet. There's something exhilarating about putting on a new outfit and adding all sorts of accessories. But how do you accomplish it when you’re on a tight budget?
Lucky for you, we have plenty of suggestions to help you out! Whether you need more diversity in your closet or want to reinvent yourself completely, we have you covered!
#1 DIY
If you still have clothes that fit but don’t match your new style, give them a quick DIY makeover! You can add different elements like lace, edgy metal studs, buckles, or even rings. Consider switching out the buttons on your tops or pants to create a unique look.
We also suggest experimenting with different combinations! This could include different colors or materials. The beauty of a DIY project is that you can create one-of-a-kind items made just for you. Shop at our online clothing boutique to reinvent your wardrobe today!
#2 Simplify Your Style
Soften up your current style and go with something a little more basic! Remember, basic doesn’t always have to be boring. Mixing and matching different accessories with solid layers can make for an adorable look too! Basic tees tend to be more budget-friendly and can easily be dressed up into something that fits your style.
Basic tops and dresses are a perfect addition to your closet because you can wear them with virtually any shoe or accessory. Wearing a solid basic top with your favorite scarf, black leggings, and some cute booties can be a great way to save a little extra money and still look cute while doing it!
Learn to enhance simple tops with items that you already have. Dig through your closet and get accessorizing. You may surprise yourself!
#3 Adapt to the Season
When the weather gets chilly, you may be tempted to toss some of your summer clothes away. This is not beneficial to your wallet and will cost you when summer rolls around again. Instead, we suggest saving your seasonal clothes to avoid any unnecessary shopping trips.
You may even be able to wear some of your summer clothes during the seasonal transition. Try pairing a solid dress with a cute sweater, your favorite scarf, and some knee-high boots! Adapt your clothing to the seasonal change. For more tips, check out our latest style guide for more ideas on how to transition your wardrobe essentials from summer to fall!
#4 Shop Wisely
Impulse buying may be fun at the moment, but it’s not too exciting when you check your bank account balance later. Dig through your closet and figure out what you don't have, what you want, and what may be useful in the future. Make a list of the things you need and stick to it!
To get the most out of your shopping trip, plan for various events, occasions, and seasons. Stock up for daily-wear items such as tops and tees that easily match other items in your closet. You can shop our wide variety of trendy women’s tops on our online boutique!
#5 Shop Seasonally
Constantly buying clothes throughout the year can cause you to spend an excessive amount of money. Make a list of what you'll need for each season and focus on the essentials. For Spring and Summer, pick up a few short-sleeved pieces and some basic dresses! For Fall and Winter, grab yourself a few sweaters and scarves.
Saving your shopping trips for the end of the season can help you save even more money. Clothes tend to go on sale around these times, and you may be able to find some great deals!
Now that the Fall season is here, it’s the perfect time to stock up some seasonal essentials. You can buy unique jackets and trendy women’s tees to upgrade your fall wardrobe!
#6 Bags are Essential
No shopping spree is complete without an adorable handbag. No one can deny that! Handbags can take your outfit to the next level. You can dress up any neutral look with a bag that stands out!
The issue that arises with handbags is that they tend to be on the expensive side. If you’re looking for some budget-friendly options, check out your local thrift stores! You can find adorable bags at an incredibly low price. Bargain hunting is key to staying on budget!
#7 Simple and Still Stylish
The key to adding the perfect pieces to your wardrobe is deciding what you typically like to wear. Do you prefer dresses or blouses? Would you rather be casual and comfy wearing leggings or rock a pair of jeans?
Simple pieces of clothing can be used as building blocks for other outfits. Once you pick a few simple pieces to purchase, you can mix and match them with so many accessories that you may already have in your closet! Get a variety of women’s designer jeans at our online boutique!
#8 Shoes
Shoes are so fun to buy. The best part about them is that a single pair of shoes can be matched with countless outfits! To stay budget-friendly, choose something neutral that matches with colors and patterns you typically wear!
You can find a wide variety of women’s designer shoes on our website! We have everything from basic sandals and flats to heels and sneakers!
The Takeaway
Check out a variety of budget-friendly clothing at our online women's boutique, Southern Honey! Whether you're looking to revamp your wardrobe entirely or you’re just looking for a few essential pieces, we have you covered! Start upgrading your wardrobe today!